Instructions for authors

  1. The manuscript should be original and not published previously. Do not submit material that is currently being considered by another journal.
  2. Submitted manuscripts should be written in academic american English of international standard in order to be considered for review.
  3. Manuscripts may be 3000 – 10000 words. They must include abstract (maximum 300 words), summary in English (maximum 500 words), keywords (maximum 5) and the author’s short biography and current affiliation.
  4. The manuscript should be in MS Word format, submitted as an email attachment to our email address ( The document must be set at the A4 paper size standard. The document (including the notes and bibliography) will be 1.5-spaced with 2.5 cm margins on all sides. A 12-point standard font such as Times New Roman should be used for all text, including headings, notes and bibliography.
  5. Submissions should conform to the notes and bibliography version of The Chicago Manual of Style (
  6. If you need more help with citing, check the following citation guide: It provides clear guidance on each citation style, as well as hand-picked links to further resources for each style.
  7. The journal is committed to a blind reviewing policy according to which the identity of both the reviewer and author is always unknown for both parties.