Issue No. 9 (23)/2017
Communism / Postcommunism. Perspectives on Gender
by Roxana Elisabeta-Marinescu
“I was both the man and the woman”: Gender Stratification in Communist and Post-communist Romania
Gerard WEBER
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The Representation of Women in Cinema Magazine Advertising
Oana-Maria MAZILU
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Women and Work in the Civil Society Sector – The Case of Romania and Poland
Andrada NIMU
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Yugoslav Communism: Gender and Power Discourses in the Constituent Republics
Veronika TOMOVA
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Haunting Impositions. Reproductive Policies
Mihaela ARSENE
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Outside the Walls of Albanian Patriarchy
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Gender and Traditional Values During and After Communism: Detraditionalisation and Retraditionalisation in Albania and Romania (case study)
Lutjona LULA
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Princess Bodies, Commodities for the Wicked. A Marxist Reading of Disney’s Animated Movies
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Lived Stories. Told Stories. Personal Notes on Communism/Postcommunism
A Personal View of Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Lives in Romania
Daniela Drăghici
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Motherhood in Romania under Communism: A Personal Perspective
Mihaela ARSENE
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Looking at gender in today’s China through the eyes of a Romanian traveler
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Book reviews
Familia în România între social şi politic. O incursiune diacronică pluridisciplinară. Anca Dohotariu (coord.). Ed. Universității din Bucureşti, Colecția Gen, politică & societate, 2017
Roxana-Elisabeta MARINESCU
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Women’s Lives Around the World. A Global Encyclopedia. Susan M. Shaw (general ed.) and Nancy Staton Barbour, Patti Duncan, Kryn Freehling-Burton and Jane Nichols (eds.), ABC CLIO Greenwood, 2018
Roxana-Elisabeta MARINESCU
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